Monday, February 6, 2017

Sources citited


Ellis Island starter info from   
I used this for a bulk overview of my info along with an overview of Ellis Island. 9 unknown facts about Ellis Island  
I also used this for some fun facts to throw into the essay and also to include some more points into the essay such as the Annie Moore info. 
New York Tribune 8/28/04
I used to this source to better understand how Ellis Island became more stylistically and similar to "The Great White City"  

The Day Book Chicago Ill. 1/03/13
I used this source to talk about a funny story of an example of an Immigrant who had been detained at Ellis Island and sent back to Europe. 

Pittsburgh Dispatch. 4/17/92    
I used this source to showcase that many cities were happy about getting Immigrants such as Pittsburgh. 

Immigration and CitizenShip overview
I used this source as a big overview of Immigration and Citizenship during this time, I also got pictures from here. 
Immigration law Timeline.
I used this source to help me find what the citizenship process was like during this time since there was no Citizenship test. 

Immigration Additonal Timeline 
I used this source to also help me find what the Citizenship process was like.  

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