Monday, October 10, 2016

Organ Trade

The Problem that we found is that people need the Kidneys and some people need the cash. But that the groups/people who are making these connections are doing it in shady ways such as paying them much less than they are initially offered and not getting them the proper medical attention that they need post operation, they'll watch them for a day or 2 and then send them on their way with the cash and a plane ticket. If there was someway to manufacture an artificial kidney or organs in general things like the organ trade wouldn't exist. 

10/11 Updated

 Today we talked to the other groups and what each of there forms of modern day slavery was. I learned that sex trafficking makes a lot of money as well as it being a lot closer than we think with it having a big prominence in Atlanta. This was really surprising to me as this was a topic I knew a little bit about due to the movie Taken but that was just a movie so learning this really shocked me. 

-Political instability 
-Extremes of wealth and poverty
-political corruption 
-stigmatized excluded groups
ethnic minorities
-countries with no/few legal representation for individual rights.